Friday, August 31, 2007

Know your page rank

Knowing the PageRank of your sites is important – in a sense, PageRank is what every online campaign is all about. Yet determining a site's PageRank can be a nuisance, and the process for checking multiple sites is almost always slow.

Speed things up with the PageRank Lookup tool. This allows you to enter as many as 100 URLs at a time, click one button, and be on your way, PageRanks in hand (or on screen, as the case may be). You'll now know which sites need help, and confirm which sites are succeeding.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

check for top keywords for domain name

As much as a memorable domain name can boost your visibility among users, a keyword-rich name can make you look better in the eyes of search engines. The best idea, of course, is to get a name that serves both purposes.

Use the Keyword-Rich Domain Suggestion Tool to explore your options. Just input a keyword that interests you, and it'll return a list of relevant domains (with your choice of extensions). Many of these may already be in use, but the tool will let you know what's still available. Pick one that's to your liking, and you'll effectively give any online campaign a jumpstart.